About Henry Schulthesz

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So far Henry Schulthesz has created 5 blog entries.

Do They Merely Listen or Do They Actively Engage?

A subtle but important realization is that the point of your communication as a sales professional is not merely to have the individual listen to you but to engage with you, to join in the conversation, to ask questions and offer their own thoughts and insights on the topic. As wholesalers, you are professional communicators.  When you consider those positions at the height of professional communication…keynote speakers, litigation attorneys, news professionals, stand-up [...]

5 Crucial Skills for a Changing Distribution Landscape

The nature of wholesaler relationships with advisors has been shifting for some time and the pace of that change is accelerating. The impact of regulatory changes, seismic shifts in product use and selection, more limited access to advisors both in-person and on the phone…all make it crucial that we maximize every opportunity to engage. As wholesaling continues to evolve, we believe the following five disciplines form the foundation for continued relevance and [...]

Six Guidelines for More Impactful Training

Training and development is largely regarded as one of a firm’s most important tools to improve productivity, elevate sales results and strengthen employee engagement. However, training can be expensive and challenging to implement successfully. Many firms spend anywhere from 3-6% of a sales professional’s annual compensation on training. But the hard question is this…does it produce the impact in behavior or results necessary to justify the cost? We have been training sales [...]

How Can I Stay On My Rotation?

One of the most vexing issues for field sales professionals from somebody newly assigned to the field to the most seasoned veteran, is how do you stay on course? You have developed a route, a milk run if you will. You have a zone structure of places that you visit each and every day. And inevitably, not maybe, inevitably, that schedule is going to be disrupted. Either from an opportunity to attend [...]

How Many Zones Should You Have?

We frequently get the question…What is the ideal number of zones that a field professional should have? There is no hard and fast rule across the board, and there will likely be variability depending on the distribution channel you cover and the product set you offer. However, there is a disciplined way to try to approach the ideal number of zones for you. Remember why you did territory management in the first [...]